News Archive
Dr. Chiappinelli's career and research work was highlighted by the NCI. To find out more, check out this post.
The Cancer Biology and Immunology Programmatic (CBIP) Retreat was held on February 23, 2024 where PhD candidates Erin Grundy and Trace Walker gave talks on their research!
Members of the Chiappinelli Lab visted J.C. Nalle Elementary School's first annual STEM fair. These future scientists hypothesized which form of strawberries (fresh, frozen, or jam) would yield the most DNA and then extracted the DNA!
Dr. Chiappinelli is the winner of the Clara Bliss Hinds Mentorship Award
Check out the latest perspective by PhD candidate Trace Walker and Dr. Chiappinelli on how protein exaptation by ERVs promotes an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment.
Congrats to Tomas and all co-authors for their publication on how oncogenic transformation results in the de-repression of TEs published in Cancer Research.
On July 20, 2023, Tomas Kanholm defended his thesis! Tomas is the second PhD graduate from the Chiappinelli lab.
Khadra Omar presented at AACR 2023
Dr. Chiappinelli with Dr. Soto-Feliciano and Dr. Schrump, chaired a session at the annual AACR meeting.
In March of 2023, The Scientist wrote an article titled, "Jumping Genes' Role in Cancer" which highlighted work being done in the Chiappinelli lab.