Dr. Chiappinelli was awarded the Laura Crandall Brown Foundation Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Research Grant! See her response here: "Thank you so much for funding our research into new targets for early detection of ovarian cancer. This work on expression of transposable elements, an understudied 45% of the human genome, has the potential to identify biomarkers to detect this disease earlier, when there is greater opportunity for intervention." Former Chiappinelli lab member, Dr. Sara Moufarrij, was awarded the AstraZeneca Young Investigator Ovarian Cancer Research Grant.
Dr. Chiappinelli is awarded a Foundation for Women's Cancer Award
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Dr. Jose Colina joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
Congratulations to Erin and all co-authors on their study published today in Mobile DNA.
On July 1, 2024, Dr. Chiappinelli was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!